The junior secondary years of learning are years 7, 8 and 9. Miles State High School is committed to beginning the Miles High experience, for as many students as possible, with a transition program from feeder primary schools. This includes some of the leadership team visiting these schools, curriculum related opportunities at the high school and a formal transition day program. The transition continues into the year 7 school year with a welcome event for parents/guardians to meet with their student's teachers. Year 7 students participate in team building and getting to know each other activities at a camp held at the Columboola Environmental Education Centre.
Literacy and Numeracy
Literacy and Numeracy are a key priority across all subjects for all students. This is addressed through core subject classes, direct skills teaching and required in all assessment tasks. Learning support is available for those students requiring further assistance in literacy and numeracy.
All year 7 and 9 students will participate in the federal NAPLAN testing in literacy and numeracy skills in May. Parents will receive the results of these assessments as an appendix to their student's report cards.